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Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)
Recent updates 2023年12月29日
Resource Number 8204

Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)

2023-12-29 Others 215
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Pure java exchange source code, including coin trading, trading, coins and new coins subscription, this system is based on memory summarization, mainstream coins connected to the market, the platform coin K line intelligent robots and swallowing orders robots

Exchange background main functions:

1, system overview (coin statistics, user statistics, transaction statistics, abnormal users);

2, user management (user password modification, real name authentication management, bank information management)

3、Wallet management (user wallet management, fund regulation, wallet log, transfer in and out records, transaction records);

4、Coin management (add settings for coins, withdrawing coins account management, whether or not, whether or not to display, transaction pair management);

5、Coin transaction management (commission records, transaction records, buy and sell records);

6, AI robot (handicapping robot, trading robot);

7, various coin settings, support functions;

8, new coin subscription activities;

9, transactions (merchant management, order management, collection information, log management, transfer records);

10, platform information (pictures, news, email settings, total account settings);

11、Platform data management, administrator rights, log details, database backup, system parameter settings);

12, transaction management (trade order management, buy information, sell information);

System architecture:

Back-end: springcloud +nacos distributed

Front-end: app + pc based on vue development
















后端:springcloud +nacos 分布式

前端:app+pc 基于vue开发

Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码)

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19IT Others Java Blockchain Exchange Source Code / Forever Coin Coin Exchange Source Code / Complete Tutorials(Java区块链交易所源码) https://19it.com/8204.html